Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ladybug Infestation or Good Luck?

This past week, I was getting ready to go to class as one of my suitemates came back to our suite. He said, “Watch out for the ladybugs outside, keep your mouth closed”, “ladybugs?” I said. Sure enough, walking outside I walked into what seemed to be a swarm of ladybugs. I looked behind me, at the tower, and it was covered in ladybugs as far as I could see. After returning from class I noticed ladybugs inside the tower, in my suite, and even in my room. I assume many others have also witnessed this phenomenon, so I thought I would shed some light on the subject matter.

It seems these ladybugs, or Asian lady beetles, are in search for warmth during this early period of cold weather. The bugs seem to be attracted to tall buildings, pale in color, that are facing southwest. This is a normal occurrence, but why in this magnitude? Some scientists credit it to an overabundance of their food, Aphids (i.e. plant lice). Some scientists say it is because of our sporadic weather patterns; mixtures of hot and cold weeks. So, these bugs might appear in the highest concentrations on days of warm weather following a short, cold period. The ladybug releases a pheromone when it thinks it has found a “good” spot (warm and pale in color). I heard that this pheromone could reach other ladybugs up to a mile away, so maybe this can explain for the large numbers.

While they aren’t harmful, they may be annoying to some. Close your windows, patch up any holes in your window screens, and keep your door closed, especially if you live in a tower. Do not kill the ladybugs, for a few reasons- 1) they could stain your clothes: As a defense mechanism, when they feel threatened they release a “bad” odor substance that is yellow (will stain). 2) They are good for the environment: they are used to naturally control many plant “pests”, like aphids. So, ladybugs can be seen as a natural alternative to various harmful and un-natural pesticides and insecticides. They are one small way we can work with our natural environment, to rid ourselves of dependence on the many “unnatural”, or environmentally harmful substances we currently overuse. Also, ladybugs are seen as a sign of good fortune in some cultures- so maybe good luck is on the way.


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