Taxpayers spend billions dollars a year to pay for corn subsidies (Business Insider). In our government all things should be done in the interest of the people. It is irresponsible to pay off agricultural “fat cats” on monetary and health expense of the majority. They seduce both the uninformed adults and the innocent children with cheap poison that is not only destroying our bodies but our earth.
Corn ethanol is blended with gasoline to make a “renewable energy” source and a supposedly more environmental friendly substitute for traditional gasoline. This and other corn based bio-fuels are equally or more damaging to our environment as the gasoline we use everyday (Yale). The American fantasies of bio-fuel are a poor stewardship of money and agriculture. William Becker, the executive director of the National Association of Clean Air Agencies, boldly said, “More ethanol means more air pollution. Period” (Yale). It is projected that the U.S. will spend $33 billion dollars on our bio-fuels between 2009 and 2013 (Business Insider). If corn ethanol continues to be the concentrated effort to gain independence from foreign oil, a greener earth, and a security for the future, we will fail.
We as a nation and as a global community have sold ourselves and our livelihood to a finite source. We’ve built for ourselves picture perfect houses of sticks and straw and when our foundation proves weak, it will fall down. The research proves that these bio-fuels cannot efficiently sustain our lifestyles and will not lead to a healthier planet earth. So, what happens when our beloved oil begins to run dry? Oil prices, competition for remaining resources, manufacturing, and international tensions will rise while farming, manufacturing, and standards of living will decrease unimaginably.
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