Sunday, November 22, 2009

Condoms against Global Warming

The article presented by Maria Cheng was not that interesting I thought. I think overpopulation in third world countries is quite apparent and there have been ideas of the same sort sprouting from all over. This said, I do not think condoms will make that much of an difference. It is also proven that there is a quite of few of these third world pregnancies come from rape which I doubt they would think to use a condom. Population rise in these countries are due to a ignorant society which is not ultimately their fault since education is not readily available. By not having the education that developed countries such as the US they do not know the dangers of multiple sex partners or multiple pregnancies could do to them. It spreads disease and is doubling their population. They do not think of birth control or condoms because they simply do not care, there is nothing that can be changed in their mind without the education that is so hard for them to get. By not having this education it simply does not make sense to them why they should not have 7 children , to them big families means more hands for work and that makes sense to them.
Also in this article it says that third world countries do not produce much green house emissions which is very true. Even though they do have many people in their country, too much to feed in fact but they do not have one car per family member, the need for material things produced from fossil fuels, bottled water, and other things that are burning fossil fuels in to the air. I am not saying that they do not have a problem, their problem is overpopulation but to say that by giving these countries condoms will cure global warming is just plain dumb. Their overpopulation will hit its peak like all animals, soon there will not be enough food for people and famine and disease will take its part, keeping the population in balance. I do not want to sound cruel but if there is no other way to get to these populations it will eventually become very apparent to them that they should no longer have large families because large families can not all get fed. Trying to give condoms to people who’s main priority is to survive is not a ultimate solution to keep the population from rising, there needs to be more understanding there. It is as if you are voting, you are not going to vote for a candidate just because someone told you to, you are going to want to know what each candidate stands for so you understand what you are doing.
The US has access to free condoms and our population is still rising and we are a main contributor to green house gases in the atmosphere. I think there should be a focus on US more so then these underdeveloped countries because we are lacking education as well, how do we not overly expend our emissions? Even with education we still do not produce as much effort as we should so in all we are worse then third world countries.
I think the UN is on some sort of track to help these countries from being in a very bad predicament in the future but as far as global warming goes that should be more focused on industrialized countries that refuse to change their ways to remain comfortable.


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