Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jevons' Paradox

Jevons' paradox describes the effect of increasing efficiency by technological advances and how this effects resource use. It states that as technology increases the efficiency of resource use the price of that resource will go down. This causes an increase in demand which causes an increase in consumption. In the American economy this is a good thing. This is because people who are spending less on each item or resource the consume the more money they have to spend on other consumables which helps the economy to expand. From the environmentalists perspective the fact that resources are being used up at an accelerating rate is disturbing as it means that the idea of increased efficiency and conservation are flawed and that another mechanism for slowing resource loss must be sought. The idea behind conservation that has environmentalists shouting from there rooftops is the fact that if we all used less than we do now, we will have more to use later on. This means a decrease in spending on the part of the American people. This is bad for economists who would wish for people to spend all they have the second it comes in the door. This is because, in order for our economy to continuously expand people need to be making more money and spending that money with increasing efficiency and speed. This idea has been promoted for decades causing the American population to see themselves as consumers first and human beings second. The American dream states that if you work hard and make lots of money you to can have a pile of stuff and a big house to put it in. This individualistic country encourages people to do whatever it takes to get to the top irregardless of whether it is good for the whole of society. This has created a "sea of selves" a population all looking out for #1. Due to the free market ideals that have been driven into us since birth this sounds like a great place where one can get on top by there own means and take care of themselves and there family without having to worry about what the rest of the country is doing, but I believe that this behavior is destructive to our nation. In order to survive a democracy requires civic participation of all its people and a collective identity which cements society together. This leads to F.G. Bailey's aspects of the human personality that allows us to work together. One part is called the civic and the other is called the divine. The civic refers to the set of rights and responsibilities that bring people together. The divine refers to the idea that something exists which is greater than ones self and that to act together to work on behalf what is greater is the job of individuals. I believe that this notion exists in society today in people looking out for the greater good of all. The only problem is that you need to have these people empowered by those around them to act collectively to work towards a common goal. The "sea of selves" is a hypnotic trance which is not easily broken. With the promise of riches and a better life for themselves and there family the masses march toward the demise of the country that has allowed them to act this way for so long. This is why I feel that the idea of Jevons' paradox with be the demise of any population which oversteps its bounds and reaches the end of their once plentiful resources. The power in America is with those who have all the money and they are interested in themselves. This means that they will promote the spending spree economy as long as they possibly can and at the end they will get out in time to watch it all crash upon the ones they used to prop it up.
I feel that this assignment was due on Veterans day because this day symbolizes civic duty on its grandest scale. There is no greater sacrifice of self that to give ones life for the greater good of all. The men and women who have joined the armed forces as a call to duty represent the attitude we should all take toward our country. To serve our community and our country with honor and the strictest of discipline, to do what is right in the face of danger and to serve for the betterment of all independent of what they themselves want. This day Celebrates there sacrifice and inspires us all to follow the same path.

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