Friday, December 11, 2009

Goodbye ABIO 230

ABIO 230 finally gave me supporting evidence behind my already "hippy" way of thinking that I would preach but never had anything resourceful to say on the matters. I remember last year I was standing outside a corner store on a late Saturday night and a college kid threw his sandwich container right next to him when there was a trash can only two seconds from him. I picked it up and threw it away and he said
"Oh, you are one of THOSE people." This class gives me the opportunity to say yes, I am one of those people, the type of person that actually cares about what is going on in the world and acknowledge all the evidence that is blatantly in our faces. I want to be one of those people that makes a difference, not to save the world on my own but to carry on information that can possibly change some of the ways of thinking in this world. I am a firm believer that to be educated on certain topics you should not dispose of it when the semester is over but to retain that information and share that knowledge. That is how we become teachers to others who have not had an opportunity to be in a class such as ABIO 230 that we actually have some tiny power in this universe.
Everyday after class my boyfriend would pick me up to hang out and I would unload everything I learned that day on to him. We would have discussions that even sometimes would turn in to debate but just having these chats would open his eyes as well as mine. The reason it opens my eyes is that even if you have information you strongly believe in like any debate like the gay rights movement or the females right to abortion you will have opposing forces. After we had our lecture on THE END OF SUBURBIA I was talking to my boyfriend on our desperate need to stop our dependence on fuel and his reply was that there is no possible way, that science and technology will take its course and find a new way; it's out of our hands. This debate went on for a while but in the end we stuck to our sides and I think that basically sums up how the United States is comprised of, two sides of an issue and no one is losing or winning just stuck. Sometimes this makes me sad that I do feel powerless in the way that we can not get anywhere if everyone is not in it together. So I think having classes like ABIO 230 is a small step in the right direction, changing the thinking of stubborn Americans slowly but in our case very surely. I do not think that there is one person in our class that does not believe in the things we have covered, like me they want change.
So in the end I will really miss this class but the knowledge I have acquired will not be lost I will be putting that forth to how I live my everyday life. I hope for the improvement of how Americans live their lives and that one day we will all be in it together. For now I will settle with just myself being a step further than those people and maybe one day they will start to follow.

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