Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who Cares?

I have a serious question to ask, and I would really appreciate some responses from all of you. I would like to know who cares about any of this? I mean, how many of us are dramatically changing our lifestyles so that we lead sustainable lives? How many of us have given up meat and dairy products? Who will remember what we've learned once this class is over? Who is changing policies?? Toward the beginning of the semester, I distinctly remember an in-class discussion where very few people seemed willing to even consider the suggestion that we can change. Has everyone revised their opinion?

Honestly, I have faith in the human race. I know we can solve all of our problems once we open our minds to new possibilities. But it seemed to me that there were many people in the class who disagreed. What we wrote in our blogs did not seem to represent our true feelings. I am asking you to say what you really think. Do you think we can change? Do you think we will switch to renewables or will we rely solely on coal? Will society be able to transition peacefully and smoothly or will we go to war? What do you really think? Because the only way we can start to solve our problems is to confront all of our fears head on.

1 comment:

  1. You're making a judgement based on feelings in the beginning of the semester. We have all learned so much since then. Honestly, I'm a little offended that you feel what we've written in our blogs does not represent our true feelings. You don't have to take on the opinion of the professor to blog in this class.

    Overall, I think what you see in the blogs are people learning and growing into a new opinion. I have not read a blog where someone has claimed that they are completely revamping their lifestyle into a sustainable one. Lasting change is going to be a process. To me the blogs display maturity and concern. I care, I believe the a lot of our class cares too.

    If you can have faith in the human race. Have a little faith in your classmates.
