Friday, December 11, 2009

Hopenhagen: The United Nations Climate Change Conference

In the midst of the finale to this semester, and to this class, which I know has been an eye-opener to many of us, there is a conference currently underworks that will seek solutions to many of the issues we have discussed. This conference is the Hopenhagen conference. It is being held in Copenhagen, Denmark - which is one of the "greenest" and energy efficient cities in the world. From the Hopenhagen website, it introduces itself in this matter: "this conference is thought to be the last major chance the world has to decide on a concrete and effective plan for reducing carbon emissions. It’s also an amazing opportunity for humanity and the planet." The conferences will occur from Dec 07. - Dec 18, 2009.

The main goal of this series of conferences is to limit global carbon emissions and minimize the effects of climate change, that is surely to occur if we do not change.

Some background information as to why this conference is being held now, as listed by the website:

"Why Now?"

"In 2012, the Kyoto Protocol to prevent climate change runs out. COP15 is the final chance for the world’s leaders to meet before the climate agreement needs to be renewed. What’s more, the protocol needs far more than a refresh. Since the conference in Kyoto, global carbon dioxide emissions have increased to a record 31.5 billion metric tons. That’s 40% above levels in 1990, the basis year for the treaty."

There are 192 countries that are currently involved in the talks. It is good to see a global effort and the cooperation of our species to tackle this obstacle and ensure the perseverance and prosperity of our species. Using the website to gain some introductory information, I will look to the news and blogs/videos to follow-up on the progress being made- I suggest we all do for Hopenhagen will affect all of us. Hopenhagen: Population 6.8 billion, this was the header to one of the websites pages- it provides a strong message for our planet's population: That we all are part of Hopenhagen, and the resulting change our species will witness- all in the hope and preservation of our one planet, our Gaia, our Earth.



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